• +1773.717.8600
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Payment options:
Space is very limited so please register soon!

Single Occupancy: GHS 2000
*Early bird: GHS 1800 If paid in full by September 21st, 11:59 pm GMT

Double Occupancy: GHS 1500
*Early bird: GHS 1300 If paid in full by September 21st, 11:59 pm GMT

Full payments are due October 3rd.

MTN mobile money: Dora Dorson Coker – 0207091200

Register Here!


All rates are per person and include two nights, five meals (including an elegant sabbath dinner on Saturday), and short, directed times together.

Download Event Schedule
Event Schedule: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XuJKHhq0tmLPw4DczIrPsa3VoFoDso5w/view?usp=sharing

Due to the nature of this event and the limited spaces available, once your registration is paid, there are no refunds. The weekends always fill up, and that means someone else has been turned away to hold your spot.